5 Questions with graphic & brand designer Davy Dooms

I’m a freelance graphic designer based in Antwerp, but it all started at a young age. Since I was a 10-year-old kid, I drove every weekend with my BMX bike to the weekend art classes. It was like nothing could stop me from drawing, in those days back in the early eighties I was creatively influenced. At 15, I got pretty bored while studying economics, no surprises there. That’s the moment my parents freaked out because I wanted to go to art school. And I was so happy they agreed after endless talks. Continue reading 5 Questions with graphic & brand designer Davy Dooms

5 Questions with graphic designer & illustrator Cristian Eres

I’m an illustrator based in Valencia, Spain. I started creating digital art when I was 15 years old. It was then that I decided to study graphic design at the Art and Design School of Valencia (EASD). Illustration has always been my passion next to graphic design. It was during my education, that I developed my illustration style. I also joined Depthcore and The Luminarium, two art collectives that challenged me to improve my work. I started my first freelance job in 2014, since then I worked with different creative studios and companies around the world. Continue reading 5 Questions with graphic designer & illustrator Cristian Eres

5 Questions with graphic & digital designer Marius Roosendaal

My background is not that spectacular, I studied IT at some point. I have a bachelor of engineering, I liked computers, whaddya gonna do? I had no idea about design and art schools, but I’d like to think it influenced my work for the better. Being mostly self-taught, and not moulded by ‘conventional’ schooling, which might sound crazy from someone from the Netherlands. I liked to draw when I was younger, but once I got my hands on a computer I neglected that for the most part. Continue reading 5 Questions with graphic & digital designer Marius Roosendaal

5 Questions with graphic designer & architect Studio Posen

I started out studying architecture and noticed that I had a time-consuming interest/obsession with everything that had to do with graphic design. I loved spending time lay-outing everything. After 5 years of architecture, studying graphic design was the logical decision. Never did I regret it, I feel that I’ve grown so much due to both studies. I just finished my architecture internship at Low Architecten in Antwerp, Belgium.  Continue reading 5 Questions with graphic designer & architect Studio Posen

5 Questions with illustrator Catherine Cordasco

I’ve always been drawing, playing with colours. I decided to study textile design at the School of Applied Arts. After I graduated I decided I had to discover as many different creative experiences as possible: web, graphic, textile and fashion. However, I always had ‘illustration’ in the back of my mind. Continue reading 5 Questions with illustrator Catherine Cordasco

5 Questions with illustrator Gwen Vanderstraeten (Mellon)

As long as I can remember, going back to when I was really small, I’ve been drawing. Always, anywhere. I grew up in a small town near Leuven, surrounded by woods and nature, which I loved. When I was 18 I moved to Brussels where I stayed for ten years before ending up in Antwerp where I now live and work. Continue reading 5 Questions with illustrator Gwen Vanderstraeten (Mellon)

5 Questions with graphic designer Pieter Boels

Quite a few of my (Pieter Boels) family members work in creative fields: art, product design, architecture. My parents are interior architects. Looking back I think growing up in consciously designed environments really shaped my view of the world and my aesthetic sensibilities. Continue reading 5 Questions with graphic designer Pieter Boels

5 Questions with graphic & type designer Carlos de Toro

I was born in Logroño, a small city located in the north of Spain where I lived most my life. We have a good design school here, I spent 4 years studying there to get my Graphic Design Bachelor. After my study, I started working on graphic design projects. I worked at different studios and I also worked there as an editorial designer in the local newspaper.

Continue reading 5 Questions with graphic & type designer Carlos de Toro

An interview with graphic design duo Raban Ruddigkeit & Lea Brousse

Berlin-based designer Raban Ruddigkeit has been pushing the envelope for over twenty years. With more than a hundred national and international awards on his mantlepiece and an impressive list of clients in his portfolio, you would be forgiven for thinking he might relax and enjoy the view for a while. Instead, he and his creative partner Lea Brousse are ready for a major overhaul of their design atelier. Their focus is now firmly on branding in the digital age. Continue reading An interview with graphic design duo Raban Ruddigkeit & Lea Brousse