A new logo for Creative Network

When I designed the current Creative Network logo back in 2012 the focus was on creating a portfolio platform for creatives, so the logo was designed to be more neutral Blending in with the work of the portfolios. Since then Creative Network moved more into the direction of organising events.

And so after +10 years of using our square logo it is time to move forward and introduce a new logo for Creative Network. One that feels more bold and has more character, a new monogram that works on any platform.

Hope you all like it.

We’re back

Dear friends of Let’s Talk Design.
It is with great pleasure that we can announce we will be rescheduling our events. 

Join us on June 16th in Gent for the first after corona edition. We already 3 confirmed speakers and for the first time ever we have a copywriter in our line-up. As always this will be a relaxed evening program with 4 speakers and some time to meet fellow creatives. 

Find out more

Time to replenish

I got a message from a friend some time ago wondering what was going to happen with Let’s Talk Design and when we would restart our events since it has been so quiet on all the social media channels.

2021 Was just like the year before a difficult year full of uncertainty. We planned a couple of moments to restart the Let’s Talk Design events. Every time the rules changed, making it impossible for us to organise the events we love so much. After organising more than 20 events over the years, we are not planning to stop.

As it seems at the end of 2021 we will probably face the same difficulties in the coming year. And we need to look for alternative ways to inspire you. We will take this week to replenish and get re-inspired.

Stay tuned and enjoy the holidays!

Let’s see what the future brings

Dear friends of Let’s Talk Design. Due to these uncertain times, we made the decision to restart the events in 2021. That means that we will make new planning for next year with the same speakers, and the same location for the events.

If you already bought a ticket for this year we will send you a code before the end of this year that you can use to book your new ticket. You can use that code for any of the editions next year. 

We will keep you in the loop when we have confirmed the new dates! That should be quite soon, although because of these uncertainties we are not sure if we are able to host events the coming year.

That’s why we are working on something different at the same time. Be safe and we hope to see you soon!

6 Questions with illustrator Sasa Ostoja

How and when did you start drawing?

I graduated as a fine artist, around 2009 I believe, from the HKU (Fine Art School in Utrecht), where I focussed on painting. I created abstract, geometrical and precise work. To pay my rent I decided to make drawings to earn more money. The drawings would take less time since my paintings took weeks, mostly months to finish. I never thought I would fall in love with drawing eventually. Drawing enables me to awaken the stories in my head. My love for nature and her diversity in flora and fauna can get a stage. To my drawings, I can add sounds and movement and motivates my imagination endlessly.

Continue reading 6 Questions with illustrator Sasa Ostoja